Radio Lila en Gurdjieff
De mens als machine. Kees Voorhoeve over Gurdjieff's leven en werk 'Het leven is alleen echt wanneer "ik ben",' schr...
The Breath of the All-Merciful
Dzogchen / As it is [1] ~Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche The main image of Dharmadhatu is that of space - the 'space of all things' within w...
On the Heights of Despair [2]
~Emil Cioran Only a few can endure such experiences to the end. There is always a serious danger in repressing something which requires obj...
De Mystiek van het Lijden [2]
© DaniĆ«l van Egmond Het antwoord van Job In de Bijbel wordt het verhaal verteld over Job die zeer trouw was aan de Heilige en die in voo...
Spontaneous Creativity [3]
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche An Excerpt from Spontaneous Creativity So how do we access our creative energy when we feel stuck? How can we rekin...
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