Zeven concrete tips om met coronastress om te gaan
Angst, stress en somberheid: gevoelens die in tijden van corona en ingrijpende veranderingen kunnen opspelen. Psycholoog Gijs Coppens legt uit waar die gevoelens vandaan komen én komt met tips om juist nu het hoofd koel te houden.
VPRO Tegenlicht
Tips for Teaching Children Mindfulness and Meditation - ideal practice during lock down
Mindfulness meditation and yoga are ideal practices for our current “Covid-19 lockdown” situation — or any time. Many people all over the world are aware of the benefits of mindfulness, meditation and yoga. What better time to practice health and mindfulness with your children than now? Families in “lockdown” are under stress — and mindfulness is a well-proven “remedy” for stress.
Buddha Weekly